Any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves. Effects of spraying iron fertilizer on leaf nutrients content of chlorosis camphor tree 苏铁科热带植物;长有蕨类叶片,树干无枝。喷施铁肥对黄化樟树叶片营养状况的影响
Notes on Fresh Water Cladocerans and Copepods ( Crustaceans) of Hebei Province, with Descriptions of Some Species from Baoding any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves. 河北淡水枝角类和桡足类研究概况及保定市有关种类记述苏铁科热带植物;长有蕨类叶片,树干无枝。